Henri Atlan's A tort et à raison
Enlightenment to Enlightenment (1993)
Cover art: Roland Cat's La Promenade
Galerie Isy Brachot, Bruxelles-Paris


Flower children tripped to the East—
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,
Hare Krishna, yoga, and zen—
guru hunting that never ends.

Monkey King journeyed to the West
fighting wild beasts, demons, ghosts
to bring back sacred Buddhist texts
and found the scrolls to be void.

Enlightenment— Rousseau & Buddha—
Outer and inner search for truth
through research in science and
meditating on awakened mind.

Henri Atlan's book shows towering
magic mushrooms soaring high—
What is the bicycle doing here?— Aha!
Kitty Hawk— man's first flight to the sky.

                    Peter Y. Chou
                    Mountain View, 2-9-2011

Notes: http://www.wisdomportal.com/Poems2011/Notes-Enlightenment.html