Commentary to Poem "Aumnivore":
AUM OM, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.
Aum or Om is a mystical or sacred syllable
in Indian religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is placed at the beginning of
most Hindu texts as a sacred incantation to be intoned at the beginning and end of a
reading of the Vedas or prior to any prayer or mantra. The
Mandukya Upanishad
is entirely devoted to its explanation. While it is the shortest of the Upanishad,
it is perhaps the most profound, consisting of 12 verses expounding the mystic syllable AUM,
the three states of waking, dream, and deep sleep, and the transcendental "fourth state" of
illumination (turiya).
How this little rock has gotten so big?
Once I realized that this little rock Aumnivore is a predator of Aum or Om, consuming
the aumnipotent, aumnipresent, and aumniscient, its awesomeness became apparent.
Since Aum is synonymous with Brahman,
this Aumnivore rock must be big enough to swallow up the
creator god of the entire universe.
Some six weeks ago they celebrated the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man
Pac-Man is an arcade game developed by Namco,
and first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. According to the Davie-Brown Index, Pac-Man has
the highest brand awareness of any video game character among Americans, recognized
by 94% of them. Pac-Man is one of the longest running video game franchises from the golden age
of video arcade games, and one of only three video games that are on display at the Smithsonian
in Washington D.C. (along with Pong and Dragon's Lair). On May 22, 2010, the 30th anniversary
of Pac-Man was celebrated with an official web site to honor
this global cultural icon. Google made a special
Pac-Man Doodle for this occasion on their Search Page.
Could it be the Giant Pyramid of Giza
Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest
of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis in Egypt. It is the oldest of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largeley intact.
It is believed that the pyramid was built as a tomb for 4th dynasty Egyptian Pharoah Khufu,
and built over a 20-year period concluding around 2560 B.C. The mass of the pyramid is around
5.9 million tons consisting of 2.3 million blocks. Its original height was 280 Egyptian cubits tall,
146.5 meters (480.6 ft), but with erosion and absence of its pyramidion,
its present height is 138.8 meters (455.4 ft).
Each base side was 440 royal cubits, 230.4 meters (755.9 ft) long.
The accuracy of the pyramid's workmanship is such that the four sides
of the base have an average error of only 58 millimeters long. The proportion
440/280 = 11/7 equate to π/2 to an accuracy of better than 0.05% (corresponding
to the well known approximation of π as 22/7). Some Egyptologists consider this
to have been the result of deliberate design proportion.
Philosopher Stone of the Alchemists
Philosopher's Stone in alchemy
represents the 'conjunction' of opposites, or the integration of the conscious self with
the feminine or unconscious side; it is a symbol of the All. As
Jung says, the alchemists
approached their task obliquely they did not seek the divine in matter but tried to
'produce' it by means of a lengthy process of purification and transmutation. According to
Evola, the touchstone is symbolic of the body, since it is 'fixed', as opposed to the
'wandering' characteristic of thought, the spirits and desires. But only the resuscitated
body in which 'two will be one' can correspond to the philosopher's stone. Evola
points out that, for the alchemist, 'between eternal birth, reintegration, and the discovery
of the philosopher's stone, there is no difference whatsoever.' (J. E. Cirlot,
A Dictionary
of Symbols, Philosophical Library, New York, 1962, p. 300). The
Philosopher's Stone,
Rebis, is the supreme quest,
'double being' of the Hermetic Androgyne; reconciliation
of all opposites; attainment of unity; regaining the Centre; perfection; absolute reality;
petra genetrix; mover at will; spiritual, mental, and moral wholeness in man;
liberated unified self; spiritus mundi made visible. (J. C. Cooper,
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols,
Thames & Hudson, London, 1978, p. 161).
The lapis represents a light-dark unity of the
divine opposites. The alchemical Mercurius is considered to be a duplex: good with the virtuous and evil
with sinners. He is a god-image in which the opposites are united. He is masculine & feminine, a twin (geminus),
both Adam & Eve, an old man & a boy... Wolfram von Eschenbach
described the Grail as the Philosopher's Stone... The alchemists describes the lapis as a treasure house
"founded upon a sure rock". This rock "cannot be split unless it be smitten three times with the rod of Moses,
that waters may flow forth in great abundance, that all the people drink thereof." (Emma Jung & Marie-Louise von Franz,
The Grail Legend, 2nd Edition, Sigo Press, Boston, 1986, pp. 151-153).
[Image: Trinity & Alchemical Flask "In the Father is eternity, in the Son identity,
and in the Holy Spirit the marriage of eternity and identity. These three are one
body, soul, and spirit; for all perfection is based on the number three." (Aurora consurgens, 15th century).
The Trias in the Work is represented by the birds in the three colours of the Work.
The Holy Spirit is compared in the Aurora consurgens with the mercurial water,
which makes everything earthly, heavenly, in a sevenfold way, and has a cleansing,
enlivening and fertilizing effect. "In every wood, stone and plant are three things.
First, is the power from which a body comes; then, in the same, is a fluid that is
the heart of a thing; thirdly, therein is a springing force, smell, or taste, that is
the spirit of a thing, from which it grows or increases." (Jacob Boehme, Aurora, 1612).
Alexander Roob, Alchemy & Mysticism, Taschen, Köln, p. 473]
Alchemical images;
Triangular Emerald Tablet
or Platonic Lambda, Soul of the Universe?
The Platonic Lambda, the Soul of the Universe,
is the sum of the two series (Timaeus 35b):
Sum of the double interval series (powers of 2) =
20 + 21 + 22 + 23 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15
Sum of the triple interval series (powers of 3) =
30 + 31 + 32 + 33 = 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 = 40
Sum of the double & triple interval series (Timaeus) = 15 + 40 = 55
Now God did not make the soul after the body, although we are speaking of them in this order;
for having brought them together he would never have allowed that the elder should be ruled by
the younger... First of all, he took away one part of the whole [1], and then he separated a
second part which was double the first [2], and then he took away a third part which was half
as much again as the second and three times as much as the first [3], and then he took a fourth
part which was twice as much as the second [4], and a fifth part which was three times the third [9],
and a sixth part which was eight times the first [8], and a seventh part which was twenty-seven
times the first [27]. After this he filled up the double intervals [i.e. between 1, 2, 4, 8] and
the triple [i.e. between 1, 3, 9, 27] cutting off yet other portions from the mixture and placing
them in the intervals.
(Benjamin Jowett's translation of Plato's Timaeus, 35b),
Platonic Lambda at High Peaks
like a Black Hole gobbling up galaxies
Black Hole is a region of space from which nothing,
including light, can escape. It is the result of the deformation of spacetime caused by a very compact mass.
Around a black hole there is an undetectable surface which marks the point of no return, called an
event horizon. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it,
reflecting nothing just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Despite its invisible interior,
a black hole can be observed through its interaction with other matter. In 1998, astronomers found
compelling evidence that a supermassive black hole
of more than two million solar masses is located
near Sagittarius A region in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. More recent data suggests that
the supermassive black hole is more than 4 million solar masses.
(Does Our Universe Exist Inside a Black Hole?)
And I recall the Taittiriya Upanishad
O wonderful! O wonderful! O wonderful!
I am food! I am food! I am food!
I eat food! I eat food! I eat food!
Born before the gods, gone beyond
the universe, shining like the sun |
.jpg) |
I recall Swami Chinmayananda's 1975 lectures
on Taittiriya Upanishad
(c. 500 B.C.) in his 6 am lectures at MIT in Boston. Those lines "I am food! I eat food!" still ring in
my ears on the nature of Brahman, the Supreme Being.
Swami Nikhilananda's translation
(Taittiriya Upanishads, III.10.6, Volume IV, Harper & Brothers, NY, 1959, pp. 80-81)
I am food, I am food, I am food! I am eater of food, I am eater of food, I am eater of food!
I am uniter, I am uniter, I am uniter! I am first-born of the true, prior to the gods, and
navel of immortality. He who gives me away, he alone preserves me. He who eats food
I, as food, eat him. I overpower the whole world. I am radiant as the sun. Whosoever knows
this attains Liberation. Such, indeed, is the Upanishad." Nikhilananda's Notes:
"I am food.. eater of food" The illumined seer proclaims his oneness with the universe
of subject and object. The object is endowed with name and form superimposed by avidya (ignorance),
but its essence is Brahman: Reality, Knowledge, and Infinity. This is also true of the subject.
Therefore the seer who has realized his true nature as Brahman is one with both of them. The
threefold repetition implies wonder or extreme regard for the knowledge. "Uniter" the intelligence
that brings about the union of food and eater of food. Or the illumined seer is a poet. "Prior to the gods"
The gods came into existence after the creation of the universe
(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.4.11).
"I am radiant as the sun" Because Brahman, like the sun, is self-luminous.
(Image: 1965 Penguin Edition of The Upanishads translated
by Juan Mascarós)
I have swallowed all the light!
This line is not in the Taittiriya Upanishads that ends with
"I am radiant as the sun. Whosoever knows this attains Liberation."
Such a statement could be made by a Black Hole that swallows the stars
of galaxies so that no light can escape. It may also refer to
Nyx, primordial goddess of night.
Nyx stood at the beginning of creation, and was mother of gods such as Hypnos
(sleep) and Thanatos (death). Certainly when we're in deep sleep, all the
daylight have been swallowed up. Or it may refer to the enlightened sage,
such as Buddha (The Awakened One) who having attained Liberation, is as
radiant as the sun, mind at one with Pure Consciousness.
(Image: Buddha immersed in light)
Happy In ter dependence Day
Nancy's email was sent on July 6, two days after Independence Day.
I didn't know what to make of "Interdependence" separated into three words
"In ter dependence". When I checked Webster for the meaning of "ter"
Etymology: Latin from ter; akin to Greek & Sanskrit tris:
three times, threefold, three. Thus ternary, tertiary, tercentenary.
It then dawned upon me that the meaning is "we are dependent in the three"
Body, Soul, Spirit, while living in 3 dimensions of space and 3 periods of time,
and 3 states of consciousness (Survey of Trinity). That's why
Pac-Man Aumnivore has swallowed a triangular stone that resembles the Pyramid of Giza,
Philosopher's Stone of the Alchemists, and Platonic Lambda, Soul of the Universe.
Further Note: On July 22, I cancelled my kidney stone surgery at Kaiser Hospital.
My x-ray of March 26 showed a pea-size kidney stone (8mmx10mm).
Dr. Yamaguchi found no stone in my x-ray of July 15. Wrote this haiku
"Did Pac-Man Aumnivore /
gobble up my kidney stone /
and everything else?"
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 7-23-2010