Jean François Millet (1814-1875)
L' Angélus (1859)

Poetry on Gratitude

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Fra Giovanni Giocondo (1435-1525)
Letter to a Friend (1513)

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
from his dramas (1603-1609)

Thomas Gray (1710-1771)
Ode for Music (1769)

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Poems 493, 655, 728, 760, 989, 1617 (1862-1865)

Denise Levertov (1923-1997)
That Passeth All Understanding (1984)
Praise Wet Snow Falling Early (1995)

Gary Snyder (born 1930)
"Prayer for the Great Family"
from Turtle Island (1974)

Wendell Berry (born 1934)
How To Be A Poet (2005)
Sabbaths 2002 X (2005)

Mary Oliver (born 1935)
Gratitude (1997)

Louise Glück (born 1943)
Gratitude (1975)

Sam Hamill (born 1943)
Ish Province Worksong (1998)
Lives of a Poet: A Letter to Gary Snyder (1998)
Little Epic Elegy (1998)

Peter Y. Chou
Thanksgiving Prayer (1979)

Peter Y. Chou
Gratitude Quartet (2006)

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (1-4-2006)