![]() Aztec Calendar (1479) |
Time: Calendars
Edited by Peter Y. Chou WisdomPortal.com
What Time Is It?
http://www.what-time-is-it.com/ (Find the time in in any city in the world. Select a country & enter a city name in the City field) Local Times Around the World http://www.hilink.com.au/times/ (Latitude & Longitude of Cities with Local Time) Time Service Department (U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington DC) http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/ (What time is it?, USNO Master Clock, Time Zone Conversion, Atomic Clock Research, Cool Links) U.S. Naval Observatory Data Services http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/data/ (Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Moon Phases, Eclipses, Earth Seasons 1992-2005, Easter Dates) Phases of the Moon (U.S. Naval Observatory) http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/data/docs/MoonPhase.html (Day, Hour, Minute of New & Full Moon, First & Last Quarter for 1990-2005 or any year from 1700-2015) Dates of equinoxes and solstices, 1997 - 2030 AD http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2621/stones7.htm (Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice) Dates of midsummmer and midwinter full moons, 1997 to 2030 AD http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2621/stones8.htm (Robert Pollock's Stone of Wonder web site) Britannica's Lives (Site no longer on web) http://www.eb.com/lives/ (Enter your birthday & find who's born on your day) Anyday Today in History http://www.scopesys.com/anyday/ (Enter your birthday & find who's born & what happened on your day) Daily Almanac (Infoplease.com) http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/daily (Current Calendar, Birthdays, Death Days, Events on This Day, Holidays) Timelines: Old News http://timelines.ws/TODAY.HTML (News highlights from January to December) On This Day (from The New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/index.html (History highlights & birthdays with archive of the previous three months) This Day in History (History Channel) http://www.historychannel.com/thisday/ (Arranged chronologically from the Archives of The History Channel) This Day in History (Information Please) http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/dayinhistory/ (Brief highlights of events from Information Please Almanac) Today in History http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today/archive.html (Historical highlights with archive photos from the Library of Congress) Author's Calendar http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/calendar.htm (Choose writer by birthday or name) Literary Calendar http://litcal.yasuda-u.ac.jp/LitCalendar.shtml (An Almanac of Literary Information) Liturgical Calendar of the Ecclesia Gnostica http://www.webcom.com/~gnosis/ecclesia/calend99.htm (Liturgical calendar from New Year's Day, Jan. 1, to St. Sylvester's Day, Dec. 31) Masonic Calendar (American Mason) http://www.americanmason.com/calendar.ihtml (Chronicle of Masonic Events: January, September, December) Timelines: Old News http://timelines.ws/ (Topic Archives by Algis Ratnikas; Big Bang to 2001 arranged by years) Month By Month: What happened all those years ago http://www.andibradley.com/whatya/trivia.htm (Day By Day Events By Andi Bradley Computer Designs) A Timeline of OurStory http://www.eleggua.com/History/History.html (The 20th Century: 1900-1909, Dates from 1910-2000; 21st Century) Year By Year: Trivia, world events, historical landmarks, births & deaths http://homepage.ntlworld.com/andi.bradley/whatya/othertrivia.htm (2700 BC to 2000 AD Events By Andi Bradley Computer Designs) This Week in the History of Chemistry http://webserver.lemoyne.edu/faculty/giunta/week.html (Birthdays of chemists January to December with web links) Timelines: Information Please http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001196.html (4.5 billion BC to 2000 AD with illustrations) Great Voyages Timeline (Prof. Uzgalis, Oregon State University) http://www.orst.edu/instruct/phl302/timeline/timeline.html (Arranged by millennia from 1000 to 1984) Timelines: Technology http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/telephone/timeline/timeline_text.html (PBS: 1752 Lightning Rod to 1990 Hubble Space Telescope) WhoWhatWhen: Interactive Historical Timelines http://www.sbrowning.com/whowhatwhen/index.php3 (People and events from 1000 A.D. to the present) Timeline USA (by Alexander D. Gregg) http://www.gregg1.freeserve.co.uk/TLINEusa.htm (Chronology of Events from 217 to 1989) Timeline United Kingdom (by Alexander D. Gregg) http://www.gregg1.freeserve.co.uk/TLINEuk.htm (Chronology of Events from 803 to 1997) Timeline Canada (by Alexander D. Gregg) http://www.gregg1.freeserve.co.uk/TLINEcan.htm (Chronology of Events from 1534 to 1995) Today Date and Time http://www.panix.com/~wlinden/calendar.shtml (Links to calendars from many cultures) Calendrical Calculations (By Nachum Dershowitz & Edward M. Reingold) http://emr.cs.iit.edu/home/reingold/calendar-book/first-edition-index.shtml (Book, Sample Chapters, Interview, Calendar Images, Calendar Links) Calendrical Bookmarks (By Nachum Dershowitz & Edward M. Reingold) http://emr.cs.iit.edu/home/reingold/calendar-book/calendar-links.shtml (General, Roman/Julian/Coptic, Persian, Ecclesiastical/Orthodox, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu, Hebrew, Indonesia, Mayan/Aztec, Astronomical, Holiday/Events, Time, Conversion Progams) Perpetual Calendars http://www.vpcalendar.net/ (Find out what day of the week for any date of the year) Gregorian Calendar for any Month of the Year http://www.cnd.org/cgi/calendar (Type the month followed by a space then the year in Search Box) Aztec Calendar (by Fanya S. Montalvo) http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/montalvo/Hotlist/aztec.html (Annotated symbols for the Aztec Calendar, its central disk and four rings) Chinese Calendar (By Helmer Aslaksen, Math Dept., National University of Singapore) http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/calendar/chinese.shtml (Chinese New Year Date, Sexagesimal Cycle, Calendar Conversion, Heavenly Mathematics) Chinese Zodiac http://www.goodorient.com/chinzodhorgr.html (Find out what animal sign you were born and your personality traits) Lunar to Solar Calendar Conversion (China News Digest) http://www.cnd.org/Other/calendar.html (Convert a date between solar and lunar calendars from 1900-2050) Lunar to Solar Calendar Conversion (Stanford University) http://umunhum.stanford.edu/~lee/chicomp/lunar.html (Convert a date between solar and lunar calendars from 1900-2050) Western to Chinese Lunar Calendar Conversion (Erik Peterson) http://www.mandarintools.com/calconv_old.html (Convert a date from solar to lunar calendars from 1911-2050; Links) Lunar Calendar with Moon Phases http://www.himpi.demon.co.uk/Fullmoon.html (Type in Year, Month, Day to get Moon Phases for Local Time) Calculate Number of Days You've Lived http://www.himpi.demon.co.uk/Daysold.html (Type in Year: 1901=1, 1950=50, Month, Day to get # of Days Old) Free Horoscope Chart http://www.astro.com/cgi-bin/atlw3/ade.cgi?lang=e (Enter name, gender, birthdate & birthplace for free horoscope chart & analysis)
© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: peter@wisdomportal.com (12-1-2002) |
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