Module 2b Assignment
Create a Collaborative Google Earth Tour or Story
Work with the Google Earth project creation/tour creation tool.
This feature launched in 2019 as a way for people to create
their own tours/stories similar to the voyager stories.
Create a tour/story in Google Earth. These tours are
collaborative so more than one person can work on them.
Your first task is to decide on a topic.
• I will let you chose your own topic, create something other than a tour/story of a vacation :).
• There are LOTS of great current topics in the world you could tell the story of or create an informational/virtual tour of.
• If you are an educator, you can make an instructional tour to use with your students on a topic you teach, etc.
• You could also create yours as a Google Earth
LitTrip (Links to an external site.).
(To access the LitTrip Premier Collection check out this
Doc (Links to an external site.)
• Your tour/story should make sense. Check that it is in the correct order
(you can drag and drop the places in your tour).
• It may be helpful to use a planning template to plan out your tour.
Here is one
example of a template
(Links to an external site.) you are welcome to use.
Things to Include in You Tour
• When you start, make sure you are creating a new project in Google Drive
(it's the first option). This will ensure your project is saved in Google Drive.
• At least one Fullscreen Still Slide for title & description. If you break your
tour into multiple sections, each section should have a fullscreen still slide.
(Like chapters in a table of contents).
• 5-10 places (features) in your story/tour/project.
• Each feature (place) should have either an image
or a video and text to tell or explain your tour/story.
• If you add links to other websites in your text please use hyperlinks.
• Use the different placemark icons if they make sense to your story/tour.
(Can also change the colors too).
• Set at least one place in your tour to be a Street View image.
• When you finish up, invite me to your tour as well,
• Also place it in your Linc 90C Google Drive folder you shared in the last assignment.
Doing this Assignment "Module 2b" in HTML
1) Literature Trips to Points of Inspiration
European Poetry Journey: Points of Inspiration
Places where poets had their moments of illumination
1) AE & James Joyce (Dublin, Ireland); 2) William Wordsworth (Tintern Abbey, England);
3) William Blake (London, Englabd);
4) Honoré Balzac (Paris, France);
5) Rainer Marie Rilke
(Paris Zoo); 6) Johann von Goethe (Harz Mountains, Germany);
7) Friedrich von Schiller (Weimar, Germany);
8) Lord Gordon Byron (Montreux, Switzerland);
9) Dante
Alighieri (Ravenna, Italy); 10) Rumi (Konya, Turkey).
2) AE & James Joyce (Dublin, Ireland)
(1867-1935) |
James Joyce
(1882-1941) |
According to Stanislaus Joyce's
Brother's Keeper (1958), James Joyce read
literature of the Hermetic Society and
Theosophical Society, but never joined either society. A.E.
(George William Russell) (1867-1935)
was an Irish poet, painter, and mystic.
When the 19-year old Joyce knocked on A.E.'s door
(17 Rathgar Avenue) at midnight (circa 1901) to ask "What is the highest state of consciousness?", the 34-year old
mystic welcomed him and talked "about the spirit world until the small hours of the morning."
Finding this autobiographical episode of Joyce in Ulysses was discovering a gem.
That night with A.E. gave Joyce a rock of spiritual grounding.
3) William Wordsworth: "Tintern Abbey" (1798), Wye, England

William Wordsworth
My favorite Wordsworth poem is "Tintern Abbey",
especially lines 93-105: "And I have felt / A presence that disturbs me with the joy /
Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime / Of something far more deeply interfused, /
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, / And the round ocean and the living air, /
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man; / A motion and a spirit, that impels /
All thinking things, all objects of all thought, / And rolls through all things.
Therefore am I still / A lover of the meadows and the woods, /
And mountains; and of all that we behold / From this green earth;"
In these lines Wordsworth has embraced the 4 elements of nature sun (fire),
ocean (water), air, earth. But it's the mind of man that perceives this beauty,
and a spirit which rolls through all things. This mystic vision made
Richard Bucke write in his
Cosmic Consciousness (1901)
that Wordsworth had a transcendental experience as Blake, Dante, and Whitman.
4) William Blake: Song of Innocence (1794), London, England
William Blake
If the doors of perception were cleansed
every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.
For man has closed himself up, till he sees
all things thro' narow chinks of his cavern.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1792)
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour.
Auguries of Innocence (1794)
"Exploring Silicon Valley" essay (1996)
on Blake's prophecies in "Europe" (1794).
5) Honoré Balzac: Louis Lambert (1832), Paris, France
Balzac (1799-1850)
Monaco 2129
(issued 5-25-1999) |
Honoré Balzac was a prolific writer
with 96 novels in his
La Comédie Humane.
For ten years, he wrote under various
pseudonyms. But he put his real name Balzac
on Louis Lambert,
a boy with mystic visions. It's a biographical account of himself.
He told his sister "Make your bow to me, I am on the highroad
to become a genius!" He proposed
to write books on every facet
of Parisian life "to touch upon every salient point, to illuminate
every typical feature, to reproduce every sentiment, every idea
in the life of the French people." Balzac cites Jesus as a specialist,
seeing all and that at one glance. He concludes "When the whole
race shall have attained to Cosmic Consciousness, our idea of God
shall be realized in man." Enjoyed my visit to Maison de Balzac,
47, rue Raynouard, Paris (August 1979).
Google Aerial View
6) Rainer Marie Rilke: "The Panther" (1832), Paris Zoo, France
Rilke (1875-1926)
Austria 1049
(issued 12-29-1976) |
Rainer Maria Rilke is one of my favorite poets. His "Panther" poem
was a tour-de-force poem
which taught me the value of in-seeing by contemplating on an object long enough until
we see into its essence.
I had fun writing "First Poem in Paris"
for Pinsky's Workshop and
compiling the Notes. I love
Robert Bly's translation of
Rilke's "I live
my life in growing orbits" (Book of Pictures) with its
ending "and
I still don't know if I am a falcon, or a storm, or a great song."
Bly's translation: 1st stanza of "The Panther" (Im Jardin des Plantes, Paris)
From seeing the bars, his seeing is so exhausted
that it no longer holds anything anymore.
To him the world is bars, a hundred thousand
bars, and behind the bars, nothing.
7) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Harzreise (1777), Harz Mountains, Germany
Wolfgang von Goethe
In his Goethe Address at Frankfurt
(August 28, 1928), Albert Schweitzer
tells about reading Goethe's Harzreise
"Winter Journey in the Harz" (1777).
He was impressed that Goethe "whom we regard as an Olympian should
have set out in the midst of the rains and mist of November 1777 to visit a
preacher's son who was plunged
in deep spiritual distress, in order to bring
him some spiritual assistance." So,
whenever Schweitzer encountered some person who needed help, he'd say to himself,
"That's is your Harzreise. I'm sharing this Goethe poem which inspired
Schweitzer to such heroic action,
and is one of the many reasons why I love
Goethe so much. Favorite quotes
from Goethe's Faust (1808, 1831).
For William Cavada's Adobe InDesign
class (June 2019): "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: My Hero"
PDF: Goethe Page 1;
PDF: Goethe Page 2.
Goethe has been my mentor in science & poetry.
8) Friedrich von Schiller: "Ode to Joy" (1785), Weimar, Germany
Schiller (1759-1805)
Germany 4N12
(issued 4-1-1946)
Friedich von Schiller was a German poet, philosopher, physician, historian,
and playwright. Goethe was impressed that Schiller wrote William Tell
in six weeks with maps of Switzerland hanging on his walls. I admired
Schiller's "Ode to Joy"
that inspired Beethoven's choral Ninth Symphony
Joy, beautiful spark of gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly one, thy sanctuary!
Thy magic binds again
What custom strictly divided;
All people become brothers,
Where thy gentle wing abides...
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss to all the world!
9) Lord Gordon Byron "Castle of Chillon" (1816), Montreux, Switzerland
Gordon Byron
(1788-1824) |
Castle Chillon
Montreux, Switzerland |
On my first trip to Europe, I visited the sage Paul Brunton in Montreux (August 30-31, 1972.
On our stroll by Lake Leman, he pointed out to me the distant mountains of Switzerland,
Italy, and France. Then he whispered: "And over there to your left is the Castle of Chillon
where Byron wrote his Prisoner of Chillon
in one night" "(June 22, 1816).
I enjoyed Byron's poem especially at the end when the prisoner found peace
in his confinement (lines 377-378):
"These heavy walls to me had grown /
A hermitage and all my own!"" reminded me of Richard Lovelace's
"To Althea: From Prison" (17th century): "Stone walls do not a prison make, /
nor iron
bars a cage; / Minds innocent and quiet take / That for an hermitage."
If Bonivard could call the
spiders, mice and even the chains that bound him
his friends (lines 381-389), he was no longer
bound but free, his mind boundless,
soaring through infinite space.
Google Aerial View.
10) Dante Alighieri: "Paradiso" (1321), Ravenna, Italy
Dante Alighieri
Mexico C308,
(issued 11-23-1965)
| Dante Alighieri (1265-1321),
Paradiso, II.1-12
(Translated by Allen Mandelbaum)
The waves I take were never sailed before;
Minerva breathes, Apollo pilots me,
and the nine Muses show to me the Bears.
You other few who turned your minds in time
unto the bread of angels, which provides
men here with life-but hungering for more
The "bread of angels" is cited in
Psalms 78.25
"Man did eat angels' food" and
Wisdom 16.20
"You gave them the food of angels". In his Notes to Paradiso II.11, John Ciardi writes:
"The bread of angels is the knowledge of God. It is by that,
Dante says, that we are able to live,
but no mortal man can grasp enough of it to become satisfied, the Divine Mystery being veiled from man."
Dante writes:
"Blessed are the few who sit at the table where the bread of the angels is eaten."
(Convivio I.1.7).
On his ascent to the stars, Dante says none has made such a journey. So he invokes
Apollo, god of poetry as pilot and guide. He asks Minerva, goddess of wisdom to fill the sails
of his ship, and nine
Muses to help him navigate to "the Bears" (Ursa Major & Ursa Minor, where
the Pole Star resides).
11) Jalal al-Din Rumi: Mathnawi (1258), Konya, Turkey
Jalal al-Din Rumi
Robert Bly's reading of Rumi's poems
translated by Coleman Barks made Rumi's poems alive to me. When attending
Bly's Poetry Workshop at Asilomar (1988), he made us memorize three Rumi's
Quatrains. The line "Let the beauty we love
be what we do." from Quatrain #82 is similar to Joseph Campbell's
"Follow your bliss" if we wish to lead a joyful and creative life.
Quatrain #1246:
The minute I heard my first love story /
I began searching for you, not knowing /
how foolish that was. /
True lovers are not out there somewhere, /
but in each other all along.
"Ode #1937: Unmarked Boxes" is one of my favorite Rumi poems. I love
the line "Tatatumtum tatum tatadum"" as it reminds me of
Native American drumming that raises our awareness to Higher Consciousness.
I also love
Rumi's humility when he says that he has neither the gold of
the sun or
the bread, and is only talking about them of course he does!
As an enlightened Sufi master, Rumi is at one with the gold, the light, the Sun
that's why we feel the golden
light poured into us when reading his poems.
Rumi's mind is empty like that desert
receiving the blessings of the stars.
Google Aerial View
• Have links of Google Aerial Views to Rumi's Museum (Konya, Turkey),
Byron's Castle Chillon (Montreux, Switzerland), Honoré Balzac's Maison
de Balzac (Paris, France), AE's house 17 Rathgar Avenue (Dublin, Ireland).
A Street View of AE's house in Dublin is also shown.
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© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
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